Board of Directors Subject To Approval
November 3, 2005

Present: French, Steiner, Passalacqua, Hughes, Williams, Wilson, Machado, Young, King, Hotaling
Newly Elected: Fisher, Curtola, Hakenen, Moelk
Excused: Sullivan

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes of October 6, 2005
King motioned to approve, Williams seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report
Accepted. To date, the operational budget is on track. The third quarter report is completed and ready to be mailed to the membership.

2006 Election of Officers
President Don Young
Vice President Bob Williams
Treasurer Nadine Hotaling
Secretary Judge Moelk

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Bill & Patricia Bocook. Young motioned to approve, Passalacqua seconded. The motion carried.

Committee Reports
Green: The irrigation project "punch list" is being completed. The tee garden sub-committee is anxious to begin their gardening projects and are requesting $3,000 to purchase Crape Myrtle trees to plant this fall. Young motioned to approve the request with funds from C.I.F. Machado seconded, the motion carried.
Golf: The new forward golf tees will be placed in "test spots" on the front nine. The committee is anticipating input from the membership on the suggested placement of the tees.
The committee is requesting $3,000 to place a phone on the 9th tee. Machado motioned approve the request with funds from C.I.F. and to place the phone on the 8th tee. Hotaling seconded the motion. There was a discussion on the location of the power supply for the phone. The motion carried.
House: Poker Table: Capozzo purchased a temporary poker tabletop. Machado motioned to allocate $1,000 from C.I.F for a poker table. Passalacqua seconded, the motion carried.
Tennis: The court resurfacing is completed and the facility construction is progressing.
F&B: The new executive chef began November 1, 2005. The Board compliment our sous chef, Michael Skillman for acting as the executive chef during the hiring process. Machado motioned to give a $500.00 bonus in appreciation, Young seconded. A discussion followed on varies ways to show the Board's appreciation. Machado withdrew his motion. Passalacqua motioned to give Skillman one additional week of vacation with pay. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried. A letter of appreciation will be given to Skillman and will include the Board's gift of an additional week's vacation.
Pursuant to the chef action plan, the chef should be given a written description of his duties and responsibilities.
Buildings & Grounds: There are three bids for an entry gate at Country Club Drive. Williams will review the bids in an effort to make a proposal to the Board at their January meeting.
Finance: The committee plans to present the proposed 2006 budgets to the December Board of Directors meeting. Due to the length of time involved to review the proposal, the Board scheduled a special meeting for Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.
Pro Shop Inventory: The inventory is being reviewed. Hotaling will see if there is a typo with the coding of inventory in the accounting department. The 2006 inventory will start from zero and not carry over a negative balance into the new year.

House Rules
Due to the results of the ballot vote on the dress code policy, Williams presented wording to add to the house rules on dress standards for members and guests. King motioned to approve the wording for the dress standards but to delete the words "spouses and juniors" and to use only the words Members and Guests as spouses and juniors are considered members. Hughes seconded, the motion carried.

Dress Policy Signs
Capozzo will have signs placed on every building stating "appropriate dress required, no denim allowed."

Food & Beverage Training
Machado requested Capozzo to give a presentation on a food and beverage training program.

Coyotes: Members requested to allow a county specialist to exterminate two coyotes nesting in the creek. This request is due to local pets missing and comments that the coyotes do not appear to be afraid of the golfers, although they are not aggressive toward the golfers. Young motioned to allow governmental agencies to have access to the golf course after obtaining dates acceptable from the General Manager. Machado seconded, the motion carried.

Hotaling motioned to adjourn, Young seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.